Saturday, January 22, 2011


Once upon a time, there was a magical, faraway kingdom known as Rock Springs, Wyoming.  Everyone that lived in the magical kingdom loved and cherished it very much.  The pride and joy of all the citizens of the kingdom was, of course, the castle.  This castle was built on the highest hill in the kingdom and looked somewhat like a very large high school or community college.  In fact, the castle’s name was Western Wyoming Community College.  Strange coincidence, am I right??

The castle on the highest hill - Western Wyoming Community College

One day, some of the citizens heard that their magical kingdom was in danger.  They heard that people in other faraway kingdoms were interested in living in the wonderful kingdom of Rock Springs.  However, they didn’t know or understand how fun and exciting Rock Springs really was!!  In order to spread the word about the magical kingdom, the Queen decided to appoint four ambassadors that would share the good news about the kingdom and the castle on the highest hill.

This is an account of one of those four ambassadors.  His name was Dale Hoopes.  He was one of the lucky citizens of the kingdom that lived in the castle on the highest hill.  During his time at the castle, he studied Musical Theatre.  He loved the castle and the kingdom.  He also loved sharing the excitement of being a part of all the wonderful events that happened there.

Dale Hoopes - Friend of Western

Chapter One of our story will begin soon so be sure to keep reading.