Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter Seven - The Hypnotist

Frederick Winters - Hypnotist
March 24th was one of the best days of this month!!  The Associated Student Government of Western brought in a hypnotist to entertain the students and community.  Frederick Winters, tours all around the US and in very good at his job.

The night he came, he chose several college students and community members to come up on the stage.  I was included in that group and I was so excited to be hypnotized.  This was the second time in my life that I have been hypnotized and to tell you the truth...  I don't remember a single minute of any of it.

While you read this, keep in mind that I am only sharing stories that I heard from other people.  I have also seen the video of what happened which is rather comical.

Anyway...  He started us out on the beach where we were really hot and everyone took their shoes off and put their feet in the sand.  There were some boys that took their shirts off but that's another story.  Next we were on the worlds highest, fastest, longest and scariest roller coaster!!  They tell me that I was sobbing and that I wouldn't let go of my chair.  I am rather scared of roller coasters so that was pretty accurate.  Haha.

He said that we were all 200 years old...  We were dancing...
The 200 year old people trying to get out of their chairs together.

Yeah I'm kissing the Mic Stand
She was a good kisser...
I think that the funniest part of the evening was when the hypnotist put me to sleep and told me that the microphone stand was the most beautiful woman in the world.  He also said that I would want to kiss her every time I heard the word "pizza."  Now, I don't have to tell you twice, whenever he said "pizza," I went right up to the microphone stand and started kissing it....  Yeah, pretty embarrassing!!!  But don't worry, here are some pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Dale!!! Just so you know, I've decided to start stalking you. Haha. Just kidding. But I'm trying to get my blog list up and you've been chosen. :)
